google maps, google earth, making my life public. during the online class while we were talking about this i brought up the question "wouldn't a stalker use this application?", while my prof told me that this application really wasn't anything too showy interms of privacy, and would not be used by stalkers, i had my doubts. I mean if i was a stalker i would definetly use it!
I did my google map with battleford sask. my good ol' home town. Battleford is about a three minute drive from the city of Northbattleford.

YELLOW HOUSE= my house
BLUE BUS= my elementary school
YELLOW BAG= pharamacy I worked at in highschool
MILK+APPLE= grocery store I work at in highschool
RED CROSS= My church

This is my house (yellow pin) across from the north sask river.
Cool maps Dani! I promise I won't stalk you :)